Paris Olympics 2024: The Marketer’s Opportunity to Strike Gold
7 min readJun 4, 2024


Paris Olympics 2024: The Marketer’s Opportunity to Strike Gold

Key Takeaways

  • The Paris Olympics will draw over a billion viewers worldwide, offering a massive opportunity for marketers to reach a vast audience.
  • Digital marketing will be essential during the Olympics, allowing brands to engage with audiences across various platforms.
  • Brands can capitalize on the opportunity by segmenting according to patriotism and sports preferences and crafting personalized campaigns accordingly.
  • Gamifying apps during the Olympics can boost user engagement by setting goals, rewarding achievements, and encouraging interaction.
  • Leveraging AI tools can give marketers an edge over competitors by offering insights, personalization, automation, and predictive analytics to create impressive campaigns.


Every four years, the pinnacle of sporting events takes place. Millions of people tune in to cheer for athletes from every corner of the world. Be it Neeraj Chopra from India, or Simone Biles from USA, their countries pray for them to win the coveted gold for their nation. The blood, sweat, and toil of a lifetime gets tested in a span of two-weeks. For athletes as well as marketers, these two weeks are opportunities of a lifetime.

Starting on July 26th, the world will be glued to Paris for two weeks. Viewers will closely follow every move of the finest athletes from their nation. It is estimated that in just 16 days, over a BILLION people will follow the Paris Olympics, with over 320,000 being there in person.

Paris Olympics 2024: The Marketer’s Opportunity to Strike Gold

The massive sporting event will pull in a colossal crowd in the stadiums as well as online. This presents app marketers with the chance to have a field day; and seize the attention of the plethora of eyeballs. If done right, marketing in the Paris Olympics can skyrocket customer acquisition, engagement, and retention.

Olympics and Marketing: A History

Marketing during the Olympics has been a fascinating journey which reflects the evolution of Olympic games as well as marketing as a practice. In the initial stages, marketing during the Olympics was quite limited, with small local businesses sponsoring events or athletes. However, marketing during the Olympics has undergone major changes, given the rise in global viewership and the commercialization of sports.

It was only in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics that something significant changed in Olympic marketing. It was the first time that the Olympics saw a steep rise in commercialization and sponsorship. Corporate sponsorship and marketing campaigns grew, and events were funded that way. This set the stage for marketing during the Olympics.

Corporate sponsorship has become an integral part of marketing during the Olympics since the 1984 Olympic Games. These sponsorships provide significant financial support for the brands to showcase their products and services to a global audience.

Finally, with the advent and rise of the Internet and social media, digital marketing has become essential during the Olympics. Brands use social media, websites, platforms, and mobile apps to share engaging content promoting their products and services.

The history of marketing during the Olympics shows a rising trend towards commercialization and globalization of the Olympic games. Various strategies have been employed by brands to capitalize on this monumental sporting event.

Gameplan for app marketers this Olympics season

Not all brands have the budget to be visible everywhere during the Paris Olympics. However, what counts is the substance. Brands need to ensure that they capitalize on the viewers’ emotions and capture their attention. Brands need to be aware of all the events that are taking place in the Paris Olympic Games.

The following are the strategies that can be employed by brands to strike gold with their marketing during the Paris Olympics:

1. Segmentation & Personalization

People with varying interests will follow the Paris Olympics, even if they don’t necessarily follow all the sports. Patriotism will be high during these two weeks, so segmenting your users based on nationality and crafting personalized marketing campaigns around it will help you speak directly to your users.

Push notifications related to the user’s preferred sport will also help you connect with your users.

Also, read Why Hyper-Personalization Is The Future Of Marketing

2. Gamification

One way to engage your users during the Paris Olympic Games is to gamify your app! Gamification during the sports season can help your users set clear, transparent and achievable goals, and rewards them when they achieve them. This gives them a dopamine hit and builds a habit of using your app!

You could ask your users to predict who will win in the events that are taking place that day, and reward them if their guess was correct. Trivia Quizzes can also be used to check how much your users know about certain Olympic events and the athletes associated. If their answers are accurate, they could earn points and badges.

Use gamification to hook your users using’s Gamification tool

3. Creative use of AI

Artificial intelligence can give marketers an edge over their competitors during the Paris Olympics by offering a wide range of benefits, including customer insights, personalization, automation, predictive analytics, etc.

You can use tools like Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, and SORA to create campaigns during the Olympics that closely resemble reality.

Brands that got the marketing gold medal in the Olympics!

Multiple brands across the world have successfully created buzz during the Olympics and captured attention. The following are some examples of prominent brands that garnered a lot of attention during the Games:

1. Nike’s ‘Find Your Greatness’ campaign in 2012:

Nike aced marketing at the 2012 London Olympics with its emotional ‘Find Your Greatness’ campaign. The ad featured young athletes across various sports. The ad does a great job of making viewers believe that greatness isn’t elsewhere, it’s within all of us.

2. Coca-Cola’s ‘That’s Gold’ campaign in 2016:

The renowned soft drink company did an exceptional job of attracting attention from viewers across the globe. Its campaign during the 2016 Rio Olympics ad entices viewers to enjoy their favorite sport, and support their country with a bottle of Coca-Cola in their hand.

3. Uber’s ‘Love Rio’ campaign in 2016:

Uber, the most popular transportation company in the world, focused on the picturesque Rio De Janeiro during the 2016 Rio Olympics. They capitalized on the once in four-year opportunity to seize the focus of large number of spectators engrossed in the Games.


Undoubtedly, Paris will be buzzing for two weeks this July. Large swaths of people will be watching the sporting events from the stadium and from home. To ensure you go for gold with your customer engagement during the Paris Olympics, segment your users to create personalized messages, gamify your apps, and use AI innovatively.

Paris Olympics 2024: The Marketer’s Opportunity to Strike Gold

The Edge: Acing your Customer Engagement during the Paris Olympics equips you with an arsenal of tools that transform how you engage with customers, ensuring every interaction is not just heard but felt. Here’s how you can leverage to seamlessly implement top-tier marketing strategies and profoundly impact your customer engagement during the Paris Olympics:

In-Depth Customer Insights:’s sophisticated analytics allow you to gather extensive data across all customer interactions, crafting detailed profiles. This will pave the way for hyper-personalized marketing campaigns. Furthermore, understand the nuances of your customer’s preferences and behaviors. This will help you to tailor experiences that resonate deeply.

Unified Omnichannel Messaging:

Consistency is key to customer experience during the Paris Olympics. Additionally, ensures that your brand voice is harmonious across all platforms. Whether through SMS, email, or in-app notifications, maintain a cohesive narrative that engages and delights customers at every touchpoint.

Tailored Engagement Journeys:

Utilize the power of’s Journey Builder to create customized pathways. This will guide your customers from initial interest to loyal advocacy. Moreover, design unique, stage-specific communications that cater to the individual needs of your travelers. This will make every step of their journey feel personally curated.

Engaging Gamification Techniques:

Turn ordinary interactions into memorable experiences with’s gamification features. As a result, encourage continued engagement through challenges, rewards, and badges that make interacting with your brand exciting and rewarding, fostering a deeper emotional connection.

Behavioral Triggers and Real-Time Personalization:

Deliver perfectly timed offers and content with’s real-time behavioral triggers. Consequently, capitalize on spontaneous decision-making moments with offers that are relevant and enticing, ensuring higher conversion rates and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Proactive Feedback Collection:

Harness’s Voice of Customer tools to encourage and manage customer feedback effortlessly. Collecting insights at critical moments, you enhance your ability to swiftly address concerns and improve your service, reinforcing a positive brand image and encouraging higher customer retention.

Make the most out of your campaigns during the Paris Olympics Games. Book a demo today and strike gold!

Follow @upshot_ai

Originally published at on June 4, 2024.


-- is an omnichannel, customer engagement and gamification platform that helps businesses to create amazing experiences to deepen customer relationships.